Book Reviews For Teens, By Teens

October 1, 2009

Want to Submit a Review?

Filed under: Admin — by fcpltab @ 3:50 pm

To submit a review, you just have to fill out the form, available at the FCPL Teen Zone.  Make sure to look at the How to Review and How Not to Review posts, to get advice on what kind of reviews will be published.

June 30, 2009

How to Review

Filed under: Admin — by fcpltab @ 1:42 pm

This is the kind of review that will be posted on the site.  See how the review talks about the book and points out good and bad things about the story.

Title:  Stephenie Meyer
Author:  Twilight

Grade Level: 9-10, 11-12
Genre(s): Fantasy, Romance
Number of Stars: 2

Your Opinion:

Twilight is a large book, but it reads pretty easily, that is, if you can get past the utterly vapid writing style of Stephanie Meyer. It is a very slow-paced romance about this girl from Arizona who moves to rainy Washington state when her mother moves to Florida with her new husband. There, surrounded by a group of new people, she meets the Cullen family of vampires, specifically Edward. The story is about their courtship for most of the book with no real plot besides that, until the last 100 pages, and even then she does nothing but pine for Edward. Admittedly, the last 100 pages or so are somewhat interesting, if you can get past Bella’s Edward-absorbed thoughts that really belong in a bad shojo manga.

Your Name:  Charlotte

How Not To Review

Filed under: Admin — by fcpltab @ 1:40 pm

This is an example of a bad review–the kind of review that will not be published on the site.  Note the missing information and how the opinion is just gushing.

Title:  Twilight
Author:  Stephenie Meyer

Grade Level:
Number of Stars:  5

Your Opinion:  OMG, I absolutely loved this book!!!!!!!!! Edward Cullen is so hot and so are all the other vampires. Stephanie is sooooooo talented. I especially loved the part at the end where [spoilerspoilerspoilerspoiler]. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves romance and action.

Your Name:  xtwilightxfanx

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